Surrealist acrylic on paper paintings of whimsical women by Tran Nguyen

Gorgeous pictures of women in ethereal scenarios by Vietnam-born, Georgia-based artist and illustrator Tran Nguyen.

Nguyen’s paintings are created with a soft, delicate quality using colored pencil and acrylic on paper. She’s most known for her paintings of whimsical women and their melancholic landscapes, which often possess an air of fantasy and surrealism.

Tran Nguyen

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram (h/t: Booooooom).

Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 1
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 2
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 3
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 4
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 5
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 6
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 7
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 8
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 9
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 10
Surrealist Acrylic On Paper Paintings Of Pensive Women By Tran Nguyen 11
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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