The Tarogramma Archive: scenes of the fictional world of Damien Cifelli in exquisite paintings

The mesmerizing world of Tarogramma, conceived by the imaginative mind of Damien Cifelli, opens new vistas to those intrigued by the mysterious and the fantastical. Carefully crafted with a vivid sense of detail, Cifelli’s artwork brings to life a society that runs parallel yet diverges strikingly from our own earthly existence. Through careful brushstrokes and nuanced colors, the inhabitants of this enigmatic land breathe a life of their own, seemingly nestled within an alternate reality that floats just beyond our tangible grasp. These figures, marked by their unique expressions, attire, and surroundings, serve as silent narrators of a civilization that exists beyond the conventional limits of imagination and perception. Their stories whisper tales of a world that combines the new with the familiar, leading its observers on a journey to dissect the layers that make up what truly defines existence itself.

Tarogramma’s cultural richness is depicted not only in its people but also within its mysteries, offering a tantalizing blend of possibility and enigma. As stories are spun around the artifacts and visions retrieved by daring explorers, one can only ponder the intersection where reality meets myth. This hidden civilization teases our understanding, leaving it in a delicate state of inquisitive wonderment. Its aesthetic distinctiveness, reflected in Damien Cifelli’s paintings, suggests a cultural ethos that champions creativity and philosophy intertwined with everyday life. Whether envisioned as an uncharted city, an ethereal realm, or a creative construct, Tarogramma challenges and enriches our perceptions of what could be, thereby expanding the gallery of human imagination.

What is Tarogramma? Shrouded from the eyes of the world, a hidden civilisation has long existed in parallel with our own. The elusive land of Tarogramma holds the promise of something far beyond our understanding. Over the course of human history Tarogramma has been discovered accidentally on several occasions. All we know about the place exists in the artefacts and images recovered from expeditions and from the detailed testimonies of the few who have returned. Using this information, a vivid picture has been built of the people and their lives. It is a place with a detailed culture; its own aesthetic, way of living, and understanding of the world. It is perhaps Tarogramma’s elusiveness that has allowed it to live long in the imagination of writers and explorers. As a result, there is no real consensus on the origin or material properties of the place. It is believed by some to be an inaccessible forgotten city, others to be an afterlife, and many to be completely fictional. Whatever the case, it is a world that is at once alien, and eerily similar to our own.

Damien Cifelli

More info: Website, Instagram (h/t: Booooooom).

The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (1)
The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (2)
The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (3)
The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (4)
The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (5)
The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (6)
The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (7)
The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (8)
The Tarogramma Archive A Fascinating Paintings Series Of A Fictional World Of Damien Cifelli (9)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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