Micro Matter: mini dioramas inside glass test-tubes by Rosa de Jong

Imagine a world shrunk down to fit within a test tube. Dutch artist Rosa de Jong brings this concept to life with her captivating series, Micro Matter. De Jong meticulously crafts miniature dioramas inside glass tubes, creating fantastical landscapes and architectural wonders. Tiny houses perch on precarious cliffs, miniature skyscrapers pierce wispy clouds, and lush gardens bloom in defiance of their confined spaces.

The beauty of Micro Matter lies in its details. De Jong uses a variety of materials, from paper and wood to paint and resin, to create these intricate scenes. The result is a sense of wonder and possibility, inviting us to peer into these self-contained worlds and imagine the stories that unfold within. These miniature marvels are not just visually stunning; they also prompt reflection on the relationship between humanity, nature, and the built environment.

More info: Website, Behance, Instagram.

Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 1
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 2
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 3
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 4
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Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 7
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 8
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 9
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 10
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 11
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 12
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 13
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 14
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Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 16
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 17
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 18
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 19
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 20
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 21
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 22
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 23
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 24
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 25
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 26
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 27
Micro Matter Mini Dioramas Inside Test Tubes By Rosa De Jong 28
Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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