Fashion designer Sylvie Facon created a stunning dress from old book covers

Sylvie Facon, a French stylist, fashion designer, and painter, has created a remarkable steampunk dress crafted from old book covers, showcasing her passion for blending historical elements with avant-garde fashion. This unique piece reflects her dedication as a perfectionist technician, attentive to the haute couture traditions while being deeply in love with beautiful fabrics. Her work is a testament to her ultra-feminine and refined design philosophy, which is always meticulously studied.

Facon’s creations are not just dresses; they are narratives woven from the fabric of history, each stitch a word, and every panel a page from a story long past. Her designs are a celebration of the passage of time, the endurance of materials, and the transformation of forgotten books into wearable art that speaks volumes of the wearer’s individuality and the designer’s ingenuity.

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram.

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Superb Dress Made From Old Book Covers By Sylvie Facon 3
Superb Dress Made From Old Book Covers By Sylvie Facon 1
Superb Dress Made From Old Book Covers By Sylvie Facon 4
Superb Dress Made From Old Book Covers By Sylvie Facon 6
Superb Dress Made From Old Book Covers By Sylvie Facon 5
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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