Psychedelic circular murals exploring the imperfection of organic shapes by Jan Kaláb

Jan Kaláb, known by his aliases Point or Cakes, has made a monumental impact on the world of street art, especially in Eastern Europe. Emerging from Prague, Kaláb was a pioneer in the graffiti scene post-Cold War, an era when such artistic expressions were virtually non-existent in the region. His innovative approach and bold creativity paved the way for future generations of graffiti artists, adding vibrancy and complexity to the urban landscape. Today, Jan Kaláb’s body of work mainly focuses on capturing the fluidity and dynamism of organic shapes through colorful squares and circles. These striking figures are not just confined to murals; his artistic portfolio also includes sculptures and installations that resonate with his signature style.

Kaláb’s latest works highlight the hypnotic beauty of circular designs, merging vivid hues with intricate patterns to create murals that seem to pulsate with energy. His psychedelic murals transform ordinary walls into mesmerizing visual experiences, inviting us to get lost in their swirling details. These creations showcase not only Kaláb’s technical skill but also his ability to evoke emotion and curiosity through abstract forms. By continually pushing the boundaries of street art, Jan Kaláb ensures that his influence remains as dynamic and evolving as the art form itself.

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram (h/t: Wikipedia).

Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 1
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 2
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 3
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 4
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Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 7
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 8
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 9
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 13
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 12
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Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 10
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 11
Psychedelic Circular Murals By Jan Kalab 15
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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