Fascinating embroidered paintings of psychological landscapes with introspective people by Michelle Kingdom

A selection of gorgeous embroidered scenarios that explore introspection and other humanities by Michelle Kingdom, a textile artist based in Los Angeles, California.

My work explores psychological landscapes, illuminating thoughts left unspoken. I create tiny worlds in thread to capture elusive yet persistent inner voices. Literary snippets, memories, personal mythologies, and art historical references inform the imagery; fused together, these influences explore relationships, domesticity and self-perception. Symbolism and allegory lay bare dynamics of aspiration and limitation, expectation and loss, belonging and alienation, truth and illusion. Decidedly miniature in scale, the scenes are densely embroidered into compressed compositions. While the work acknowledges the luster and lineage inherent in needlework, I use thread as a sketching tool in order to simultaneously honor and undermine this tradition. Beauty parallels melancholy, as conventional stitches acquiesce to the fragile and expressive.

Michelle Kingdom

More info: Website, Instagram, Tumblr.

Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 1
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 2
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 3
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 4
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 5
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 6
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 7
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 8
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 9
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 10
Fascinating Embroidered Scenarios Of Minimalist Landscapes With Introspective People By Michelle Kingdom 11
Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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