Colorful illustrative paintings by Andrew Hem

Los Angeles-based, Cambodian-American artist Andrew Hem creates gorgeous illustrative paintings that depict people in dreamlike colorful scenarios, but in a gloomy atmosphere and thoughtful mood.

Andrew Hem’s illustrative paintings bridge disparate aesthetic influences as well as cultural touchstones and sensibilities. Hem’s paintings typically highlight an individual within a group of figures, homing in on the one person who is often somberly staring out from the canvas. Using a cool palette in which the colors do not quite match up with the real world, the artist creates somber moods in illusionistic spaces set at a remove from reality. Although his color scheme – with its supernatural rendering of the natural world – elicits comparisons to impressionism, Hem also echoes graffiti art based on his straightforward and illustrative rendering of figures and space, as well as allusions to street culture, art, and fashion.

Andrew Hem via Artsy

More info: Website, Instagram.

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Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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