Embroidery figures and abstract paintings fused with nature by Diana Yevtukh

Diana Yevtukh is a Ukranian textile artist and painter that creates magnificent artworks that fuse and integrate with the natural environment.

What I do as an artist is that I look at the world around me, at the materials, techniques, and technologies, and I spot an empty space and a combination of materials to ignite my imagination.

Diana Yevtukh via MMM

More info: Instagram.

Embroidery Figures And Abstract Paintings Fused With Nature By Diana Yevtukh 1
Embroidery Figures And Abstract Paintings Fused With Nature By Diana Yevtukh 2
Embroidery Figures And Abstract Paintings Fused With Nature By Diana Yevtukh 3
Embroidery Figures And Abstract Paintings Fused With Nature By Diana Yevtukh 4
Embroidery Figures And Abstract Paintings Fused With Nature By Diana Yevtukh 5
Embroidery Figures And Abstract Paintings Fused With Nature By Diana Yevtukh 6
Embroidery Figures And Abstract Paintings Fused With Nature By Diana Yevtukh 7
Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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