Northern lights: aurora paintings by Rivka Wilkins

Rivka Wilkins is a skillful painter based in Salt Lake City, Utah. She loves to depict natural landscapes and scenes through her creations. The auroras she paints are definitely magical.

Rivka thrives with beautiful surroundings from which to draw inspiration. Looking at her gallery, you can actually feel the force of nature impelling her brushes: storms, clouds, northern lights, woods, waves, tides, mountains, stars… She is drawn to subjects that connect with us all on a human level, but the main connector is nature.

Rivka Wilkins

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.

Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (1)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (2)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (3)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (4)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (5)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (6)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (7)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (8)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (9)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (10)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (11)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (12)
Northern Lights, Aurora Paintings By Rivka Wilkins (13)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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