Hoang Tien Quyet, a Vietnamese artist, is renowned for his intricate animal origami sculptures created using the wet-folding technique. This method allows him to produce smooth, curved lines that give his paper creations a lifelike and dynamic appearance. Quyet’s work is a testament to the transformative power of origami, turning flat sheets of paper into dizzying, three-dimensional art pieces that captivate and inspire.
Quyet’s sculptures often depict animals in motion, capturing the essence of their natural behavior with remarkable precision. His ability to infuse personality and emotion into each piece makes his work stand out in the world of paper art. By pushing the boundaries of traditional origami, Quyet not only showcases his technical skill but also his deep appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the animal kingdom.
I have been folding paper since I was a small kid. At the time I was amazed at how a flat sheet of paper could transform into beautiful 3D animals and objects, and it was also a joy of a kid who could make his own toys.
Hoà ng Tiến Quyết
More info: Website, Instagram, Youtube (h/t: Bored Panda).