Peca’s lovely lore: captivating paintings of fantastical quirky creatures

Peca, an Argentina-born, Barcelona, Spain-based artist, has created a captivating world of quirky creatures through her lovely paintings. These works of art are characterized by their dark and lovely aspects, transporting viewers to a world of magic, fantasy, and mystery.

Peca’s paintings are not only visually striking but also tell a story of her creativity and passion for her craft. Her use of color and composition creates a sense of depth and dimensionality, drawing the viewer into the fantastical world she has created.

More info: Website, Instagram, Pinterest, Vimeo.

Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 1
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 2
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 4
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 3
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 5
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 6
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 7
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 8
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 9
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 13
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 10
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 11
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 12
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 14
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 15
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 16
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 17
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 18
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 19
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 20
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 21
Lovely Paintings Of Quirky Creatures By Peca 22
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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