The beauty of Indian culture in illustrations by Muhammed Sajid

Muhammed Sajid is a designer and illustrator based in Bangalore, India. In many of his works, he depicts all the beauty of his fabulous country.

The things I imagine in my head don’t exist or aren’t real, and so I’m compelled to create them the way that I see it. As they say, art is freedom.

Muhammed Sajid

More info: Behance, Instagram, Dribbble, Facebook.

The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 1
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 2
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The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 5
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 6
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 7
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 8
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 9
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 10
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 11
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 12
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 13
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 14
The Beauty Of Indian Culture In Illustrations By Muhammed Sajid 15
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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