Surrealist landscape paintings by Jung-Yeon Min

Dive into the fantastical dreamlike worlds of Korean-born, Paris-based artist Jung-Yeon Min. She paints surrealist landscapes that intriguingly disturb our heads with “gorgeous grotesque elements”, playing with form, space, perspective, and scale.

Jung Yeon Min’s works are highly imaginative and rich. One finds multiple worlds, the extraordinary and the realistic, notions of micro and macro, and manipulations of space and time in her work. Specifically, her work offers two equal but divergent investigations. On the one hand, she envisions and explores a mysterious and fantastical world. In a separate but concurrent investigation, she examines the effect of time in the pictorial realm. Sometimes colliding, these two points of inquiry form an intriguing basis for a closer reading of Min’s works as opening up places of potential and possibility.

Jung-Yeon Min

More info: Kashya Hildebrand (h/t: MMM).

Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 1
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 2
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 3
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 4
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 5
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 6
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 7
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 8
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 9
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 10
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 11
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 12
Surrealist Landscape Paintings By Jung Yeon Min 13
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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