A glimpse into impossible worlds: the surreal wildlife of Andrew Hopgood

Andrew Hopgood’s paintings aren’t your typical wildlife portraits. Sure, you’ll find recognizable creatures – elephants, whales, owls – but they exist in a dreamscape where reality bends and imagination takes flight. Hopgood’s canvas transforms into fantastical jungles where elephants sprout wings and whales breach through clouds.

Intricate details abound – feathers on an owl morph into swirling galaxies, a giraffe’s neck stretches towards a crescent moon. The artist’s use of light and shadow further adds to the otherworldly quality, casting the creatures in an ethereal glow. Each piece is an invitation to explore a world where the boundaries between dream and reality dissolve, leaving the viewer breathless with wonder.

More info: Website, Instagram.

A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (1)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (14)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (2)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (13)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (3)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (4)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (5)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (6)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (7)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (8)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (9)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (10)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (11)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (12)
A Glimpse Into Impossible Worlds, The Surreal Wildlife Of Andrew Hopgood (15)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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