Lush hyper-realistic urban landscape paintings by Seth Armstrong

A selection of flaring paintings of urban landscapes by American oil painter Seth Armstrong.

Whether he’s painting urban landscapes, creating narrative portraits or brilliantly combining elements of the two, Armstrong’s work conveys a stunning sense of intimacy with its subjects, breath-taking light, hyper-realism, and humor.

Seth Armstrong

 More info: WebsiteFacebookInstagram.

Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 1
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 2
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Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 6
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 7
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 8
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 9
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 10
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 11
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 12
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Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 13
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 14
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 15
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 16
Lush Hyper Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings By Seth Armstrong 17
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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