Mother Earth: poetic and surreal portraits of women made out of nature, by Brian Kirhagis

Brian Kirhagis, also known as BK The Artist, masterfully combines socially conscious concepts with surrealist subject matter in his distinctive paintings. His recent body of work, titled EARTH, pays homage to the “Sacred Mother” through striking female portraiture. Each powerful portrayal features a woman composed entirely of lush plants, colorful flowers, and sinuous wood.

These ethereal yet earthly figures appear meditative, embodying the spirit of the mythological “Mother Earth”. Kirhagis weaves together double images, creating eye-catching and thought-provoking narratives that recognize and empower modern women. Through confident poses and contemplative expressions, these botanical goddesses convey a combination of strength and serenity.

More info: Website, Instagram, Facebook.

Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 1
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 2
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 3
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 4
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 5
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 6
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 7
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 8
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 9
Surreal Portraits Of Women Made Out Of Nature That Pay Tribute To Mother Earth By Brian Kirhagis 10
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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