Stunning assemblages of popular portraits and pictures by Jane Perkins

United Kingdom-based artist Jane Perkins uses discarded and found objects, such as buttons, toys, jewelry, old shells, and beads, to recreate famous paintings, portraits, and photos of celebrities and pop culture elements into gorgeous assemblages. She meticulously chooses the perfect color of each object to compose the gradients and shadows with high precision.

I am a ‘re-maker’, taking inspiration from found objects and working them into something new. I love art with an element of fun and the unexpected, and hope my work will make you smile!

Jane Perkins

More info: Website, Instagram.

Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (1)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (2)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (3)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (4)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (5)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (6)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (7)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (8)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (9)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (10)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (11)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (12)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (13)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (14)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (15)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (16)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (17)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (19)
Stunning Assemblages Of Popular Portraits, Pictures, And Photos By Jane Perkins (18)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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