Haroshi: transforming discarded skateboards into pop art sculptures

Haroshi, a self-taught Tokyo-based artist, breathes new life into discarded objects with his captivating sculptures. His unique medium? Used skateboards. By meticulously stacking, cutting, and carving these colorful decks, Haroshi creates vibrant and intricate works of art. The inherent layers of the skateboards, often boasting graphic designs and brand logos, become a key element in his artistic expression.

These transformed boards transcend their utilitarian past, morphing into pop culture icons, animals, and even everyday objects. Haroshi’s innovative approach to recycled materials not only results in stunning visuals but also carries a message of sustainability, giving a second chance to well-worn pieces.

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram.

Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 1
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 2
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 3
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 4
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 5
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 6
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 8
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 9
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 11
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 12
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 13
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 14
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 15
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 17
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 18
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 19
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 20
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 21
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 22
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 23
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 24
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 25
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 26
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 27
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 28
Stunning Colorful Sculptures Made Out Of Old Skateboards By Haroshi 29
Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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