Realistic paintings of eyes and mouths on glass by Henrik Uldalen

Self-taught artistĀ Henrik Uldalen uses glass plates as canvases for realistic oil paintings of eyes and mouths as a way to fuse classic figurative paintings with modern and contemporary art.

Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen (1986) is a self-taught artist whose creative production revolves around classic figurative painting, presented in a contemporary manner. Henrik seeks to explore ideas revolving around absurdism, nostalgia, loneliness and alienation, juxtaposed with frail beauty. Though a figurative painter, his focus has always been the emotional content rather than narratives. The atmospheres in his work is often presented in a dream or limbo-like state, with elements of expressionism.

Henrik Uldalen

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 1
Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 1
Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 2
Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 3
Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 4
Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 5
Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 6
Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 7
Realistic Paintings Of Eyes And Mouths On Glass By Henrik Uldalen 8
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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