Charming Little World: gorgeous macro photography of insects by Maria Luisa Milla Moreno

Córdoba, Spain-based artist and architect Maria Luisa Milla Moreno turns the macro photography of insects into enchanting fairy world-like scenarios.

Macro photography has changed my perception of the world, it has shown me the greatness of insects and tiny animals in their nature, their beauty, their hardship to survive on this planet, has made me smile and sadden, it has awakened me that protective part that I have inside me to them. I hope my images make you feel true love for nature and all its creation.

Maria Luisa Milla Moreno

More info: Behance, Facebook, Instagram, 500px.

A delicate purple world

Charming Little World Gorgeous Macro Photography Of Insects By Maria Luisa Milla Moreno 1

A very soft landing

Charming Little World Gorgeous Macro Photography Of Insects By Maria Luisa Milla Moreno 2

Welcome to my golden world

Charming Little World Gorgeous Macro Photography Of Insects By Maria Luisa Milla Moreno 3

Litlle dragon

Charming Little World Gorgeous Macro Photography Of Insects By Maria Luisa Milla Moreno 4

A simple little lullaby

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Wake up little one

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Dreaming deeper

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Little star

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The knight of the forest

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Sleep time

Charming Little World Gorgeous Macro Photography Of Insects By Maria Luisa Milla Moreno 10
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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