Adorable Circle of Life: lovely and disturbing wild animal illustrations by Alex Solis

Wisconsin-based artist Alex Solis has created a fantastic set of illustrations that features paradoxical elements. In his ongoing series titled Adorable Circle of Life, he depicts voracious predators and their preys being devoured, but in an extremely cute way.

Savage. Menacing. Ruthless. Predators get a pretty bad rap. Sure, they prey on helpless animals that never stand a chance. But behind those jagged teeth, powerful jaws and razor-sharp claws, every predator has a softer side. Maybe even an adorable one. Everyone has compassion for the cute bunny or lamb. But what about their predators who are working hard for their meal? Capturing their prey is life or death for them. Just think about the last time you had to hunt for food while hungry. You can understand, right? It’s time to give the predators a break. Because in the end, both predators and their prey play a role. Let’s celebrate all animals who complete the Adorable Circle of Life.

Alex Solis

More info: Website, Society6, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook.

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Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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