Double-exposure portraits by Sara K. Byrne: a fusion with nature and urban

Portland-based photographer Sara K. Byrne weaves enchanting narratives through her double-exposure portraits. In these captivating images, she seamlessly blends elements of nature — mainly flowers and trees — with the urban environment. The result is a harmonious collision of organic beauty and man-made structures.

Byrne’s technique involves layering two separate exposures, creating a dreamlike fusion where delicate petals intertwine with cityscapes. Each portrait becomes a visual poem, celebrating the interconnectedness of our surroundings. Her work invites viewers to pause, appreciate the delicate balance between nature and human existence, and find solace in the delicate dance of light and shadow.

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram.

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Wonderful Double Exposure Portraits By Sara K. Byrne (10)
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Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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