Bronze sculptures and public installations that blend art and activism by Hank Willis Thomas

Hank Willis Thomas is an American artist based in New York City. His figurative bronze sculptures, which are also installations, fuse fine art with social activism.

History repeats itself, and art is one cultural framework through which we engage with these profound moments, hopefully awakening our consciousness.

Hank Willis Thomas

More info: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter (h/t: Colossal).

Bronze Sculptures And Public Installations That Blend Art And Activism By Hank Willis Thomas 1
Bronze Sculptures And Public Installations That Blend Art And Activism By Hank Willis Thomas 2
Bronze Sculptures And Public Installations That Blend Art And Activism By Hank Willis Thomas 3
Bronze Sculptures And Public Installations That Blend Art And Activism By Hank Willis Thomas 5
Bronze Sculptures And Public Installations That Blend Art And Activism By Hank Willis Thomas 4
Bronze Sculptures And Public Installations That Blend Art And Activism By Hank Willis Thomas 6
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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