Voûtes Célestes (Celestial Sphere in English) was an amazing generative virtual-reality installation created by Mexican artist Miguel Chevalier in 2016. A myriad of beautifully colored skies was projected onto the ceiling of Saint-Eustache Church in Paris, carrying visitors to a dreamy and ethereal universe of kaleidoscopic and metamorphic constellations.
Surprising imaginary sky charts are created in real-time. The visitor discovers a variety of colored networks of light that spread out in the form of sinuous webs. These large meshes take form and then lose their shape, changing following the movements of visitors in the central nave, creating ever renewed, diversified universes. (…) The installation releases radiant energy into this space of plenitude. Amplified by Saint Eustache’s organ music, the installation induces a spiritual and contemplative feeling of elevation. Light, color and movement create a poetics of matter and elaborate a new aesthetics of virtuality.
Miguel Chevalier
More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram (h/t: Designboom e Colossal).