Beautiful ice-themed sculptures of magic animals by Evgeny Hontor

A selection of gorgeous ice-themed sculptures of magic animals by Evgeny Hontor, a Russian artisan based in Moscow.

Why fantasy? It is beautiful. It is the creation of the worlds. I like it. Fantasia – a wonderful tool, this man by nature. You can use it gingerly and gradually. You can get carried away and explore new opportunities. It is a philosophy of life – to create. For me it is.

Evgeny Hontor

More info: Website, Etsy, Facebook, Instagram (h/t: So Super Awesome).

Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 1
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 2
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 3
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 4
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 5
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 6
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 7
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 8
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 9
Beautiful Ice Themed Sculptures Of Magic Animals By Evgeny Hontor 10
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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