Animal-like quirky creatures made from discarded objects and materials by Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh

Tehran-based artist Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh breathes new life into discarded objects by transforming them into fantastical creatures. His sculptures are a fascinating fusion of form and function, where rusty gears morph into turtle shells and worn-out tools become the legs of fantastical beasts. Yeganeh’s work not only showcases his artistic talent but also serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for beauty and wonder hidden within everyday waste.

Beyond their whimsical charm, Yeganeh’s sculptures hold a deeper message about sustainability and resourcefulness. By giving discarded materials a new purpose, he challenges us to reconsider our relationship with waste and inspires us to see the creative possibilities in what we might otherwise throw away.

More info: Instagram.

Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (1)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (2)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (3)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (4)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (5)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (6)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (7)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (8)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (9)
Animal Like Quirky Creatures Made From Discarded Objects And Materials By Mohsen Heydari Yeganeh (10)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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