Black Sun: amazing photography series on starling dancing clouds by Søren Solkær

Søren Solkær is a Danish photographer, born in 1969, working with a global profile since 1996. In return to the landscape of his childhood in the marshlands of Southern Denmark, Solkær captures the impressive flight patterns of hundreds and hundreds of starlings in his recent series: “Black Sun”.

A strong visual expression is created – like that of an ink drawing or a calligraphic brush stroke – asserting itself against the sky. Shapes and black lines of condensation form within the swarm, resembling waves of interference or mathematical abstractions are written across the horizon. At times the flock seems to possess the cohesive power of super fluids, changing shape in an endless flux: From geometric to organic, from solid to fluid, from matter to ethereal, from reality to dream – an exchange in which real-time ceases to exist and mythical time pervades. This is the moment I have attempted to capture – a fragment of eternity.

Søren Solkær

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram (h/t: Booooooom).

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Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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