Ramzy Masri is a New York-based, Arab-American designer and digital artist. Using his creativity and Photoshop skills, he created an eye-catching alternative world totally covered in rainbows, overlaying hundreds of pictures with vibrant multi-colors. It was a way Masri found to express his feelings and soft social activism, mainly toward the gay pride movement, which ended up going viral on the Internet.
An unapologetic optimist, I value authentic experiences that help people to live fuller, richer lives. I’m a media-agnostic designer interested in what makes things tick, when and if we’ll make contact with aliens and glitter. When I’m not working, I’m working on an armageddon escape plan, standing up for what’s right, wondering how many cats I could fit into my apartment, and wearing out the grooves in my Sade vinyl.
Ramzy Masri