The Redemption: gorgeous portraits embellished with gold details by Tawny Chatmon

Tokyo-born artist Tawny Chatmon highlights the beauty and culture of black people with absolutely stunning portrait photographs decorated with gold details and garments.

These portraits are meant to act as a counter-narrative and redemptive measure to uplift and elevate Black hair, tradition, and culture freeing us from negative stereotypes. An intent, not to be confused with seeking validation, but rather an unyielding affirmation of Black beauty.

Tawny Chatmon

More info: Website, Instagram, Twitter.

The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 1
The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 2
The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 3
The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 4
The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 5
The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 6
The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 7
The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 8
The Redemption Gorgeous Portraits Embellished With Gold Details By Tawny Chatmon 9
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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