Surrealist murals of anatomical figures by Nychos

Nychos is a Vienna-born, San Francisco-based visual artist that has become world-famous for his figurative sculptures, paintings, illustrations, and murals that reveal the anatomical side of animals, humans, and pop culture icons.

Blending themes of morbid corporeality with the colorful, hyper-loony aesthetic descended from comics and cartoons, Nychos has developed a unique style that performs with powerhouse effect whether on the street or in the gallery.


More info: Website, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr.

Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 1
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 2
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 3
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 4
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 5
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 6
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 7
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 8
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 9
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 10
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 11
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 12
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 13
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 14
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 15
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 16
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 17
Surrealist Murals Of Anatomical Figures By Austrian Artist Nychos 18
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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