Stunning surreal sculptures of human faces emerging from book pages by Paola Grizi

Italian sculptor Paola Grizi masterfully captures the intersection of literature and art in her stunning bronze sculptures. Her evocative pieces feature human faces emerging from the tousled pages of books, creating a surreal and contemplative experience. Some of her sculptures take the form of traditional novels, while others play with abstraction — bronze pieces of paper folded and stacked in cube-like formations.

The exposed hands gently pushing aside the pages add an intriguing touch, as if inviting viewers to delve deeper into the narratives hidden within the books. When you gaze upon Grizi’s artwork, it feels as though you’re escaping into another world — one where imagination and literature intertwine in mesmerizing harmony.

More info: Website, Instagram (h/t: Colossal, MMM).

Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 1
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 2
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 3
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 4
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 5
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 6
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 7
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 8
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 9
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 10
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 11
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 12
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 13
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 14
Stunningly Surreal Sculptures Of Human Faces Emerging From Book Pages By Paola Grizi 15
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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