Kinesthetic sculptures made out of colored pencils by Jennifer Maestre

South Africa-born, Massachusetts-based artist Jennifer Maestre creates other-world kinesthetic sculptures using thousands and thousands of colored pencils. She gets inspiration from animals, plants, mythology, other types of art, and artworks of artists such as Ernst Haeckel and Odilon Redon to shape her organic pieces.

My sculptures were originally inspired by the form and function of the sea urchin. The spines of the urchin, so dangerous yet beautiful, serve as an explicit warning against contact. The alluring texture of the spines draws the touch in spite of the possible consequences. The tension unveiled, we feel push and pull, desire and repulsion. The sections of pencils present aspects of sharp and smooth for two very different textural and aesthetic experiences. Paradox and surprise are integral in my choice of materials.

Jennifer Maestre

More info: Website.

Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 1
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 2
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 3
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 4
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 5
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 6
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Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 8
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 9
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 10
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 11
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 12
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 13
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 14
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 15
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 16
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 17
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 18
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 19
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 20
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 21
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 22
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 23
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 24
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 25
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 26
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 27
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 28
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 29
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 30
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 31
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 32
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 33
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 34
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 35
Kinesthetic Sculptures Made Out Of Colored Pencils By Jennifer Maestre 36
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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