Seven Magic Mountains: an impressive art installation by Ugo Rondinone

Seven Magic Mountains is a colorful large-scale art installation located in the desert outside of Las Vegas created by Swiss plastic artist Ugo Rondinone. The set of seven sculptures is composed of massive stones, beautifully painted with bright colors piled up, forming multicolored totems.

Visible across the desert landscape along Interstate 15, Seven Magic Mountains will offer a creative critique of the simulacra of destinations like Las Vegas. According to Rondinone, the location is physically and symbolically mid-way between the natural and the artificial: the natural is expressed by the mountain ranges, desert, and Jean Dry Lake backdrop, and the artificial is expressed by the highway and the constant flow of traffic between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Ugo Rondinone

More info: Website, Instagram.

Seven Magic Mountains An Impressive Art Installation By Ugo Rondinone (1)
Seven Magic Mountains An Impressive Art Installation By Ugo Rondinone (2)
Seven Magic Mountains An Impressive Art Installation By Ugo Rondinone (3)
Seven Magic Mountains An Impressive Art Installation By Ugo Rondinone (4)
Seven Magic Mountains An Impressive Art Installation By Ugo Rondinone (5)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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