Dinagyang Mask: a stunning paper art series in tribute to dualities by Patrick Cabral

Philippine crafter and artist Patrick Cabral draws inspiration from the culture of his country (mainly from the Dinagyang Festival), dualities (Heaven and Earth, Good and Evil, and Calm and Chaos), nature elements (fire, earth, and light), and emotions to create striking paper masks.

These pieces were inspired by the Dinagyang Festival, with its usage of vibrant color and the overall intricate festiveness of the masks and costumes of the event. Each piece represent a certain ‘world’. Designated and representing ‘Langit’, the blue Dinagyang ‘warrior’ holds bird-like features. The dominant color is blue, which represents air, flight, horizons, and dreams, according to the artist. ‘Lupa’ on the other hand, has dragon-like features reminiscent of the Asian interpretation of the dragon, or Buwaya. The dominant colors are red and yellow, representing fire, earth, light, and passion. Both pieces combined explore the duality of Heaven and Earth, Good and Evil, Calm and Chaos. Cabral also meant these works to show how we, as human beings, merge the two in one for the celebration of faith, trade and worship.

Patrick Cabral

More info: Website, Behance, Dribbble, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter.

Dinagyang Mask A Stunning Paper Art Series In Tribute To Dualities By Patrick Cabral 1
Dinagyang Mask A Stunning Paper Art Series In Tribute To Dualities By Patrick Cabral 2
Dinagyang Mask A Stunning Paper Art Series In Tribute To Dualities By Patrick Cabral 3
Dinagyang Mask A Stunning Paper Art Series In Tribute To Dualities By Patrick Cabral 4
Dinagyang Mask A Stunning Paper Art Series In Tribute To Dualities By Patrick Cabral 5
Dinagyang Mask A Stunning Paper Art Series In Tribute To Dualities By Patrick Cabral 6
Dinagyang Mask A Stunning Paper Art Series In Tribute To Dualities By Patrick Cabral 7
Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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