Mirror World / Istanbul: a night street photography series by Elsa Bleda

With the photographic series Mirror World, South African Johannesburg-based artist Elsa Bleda explores the beauty and magnetism of Istanbul’s night city lights.

There is a haunting quality to Elsa’s work, a kind of dystopian, digital emulsion, pronounced through distant angles, the buzz of neon-nowhere, and what remains after the long-exposure. When I spoke with her, she told me about the intensity of her dreams, how they find her in the deep clutch of night and extend into her waking hours. The impossible things that are nonetheless known through the complexities of human experience; mysterious realities conjured against the florescent-glare of the world as it pretends to be. Elsa weaves this elusive imagery into her cinematic aesthetic, blurs the divisions between different worlds, and evokes the imagination of her viewer; more than you can gather to fathom through the strict breath of glass and a billow of curtains.

Elsa Bleda

More info: WebsiteBehanceFacebookInstagram.

Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 1
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 2
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 3
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 4
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 5
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 6
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 7
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 8
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 9
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 10
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 11
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 12
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 13
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 14
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 15
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 16
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 17
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 18
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 19
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 20
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 21
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 22
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 23
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 24
Mirror World Istanbul A Nocturnal Street Photography Series By Elsa Bleda 25
Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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