Manifestation: cave installations made of millions of hand-rolled paper cones by Samuelle Green

Samuelle Green’s art installations, titled “Manifestation”, are a profound exploration of form and texture, created through the meticulous hand-rolling of paper cones. These installations are not just a testament to the artist’s dedication and skill but also a commentary on the often-overlooked intricacies of natural structures. Inspired by the inherent design found in nature, such as beehives, anthills, and rock formations, Green’s work invites viewers to contemplate the complexity and beauty of these patterns.

Each piece in the “Manifestation” series is a unique number, signifying its place in the creation order, and continues to evolve as they are exhibited internationally. Green’s approach to repurposing discarded paper into immersive, cave-like environments challenges our perception of material and space, offering a meditative journey through a transformed paper landscape.

There is structure and design inherent in the natural world which we constantly draw from and take for granted. We generally fail to acknowledge the skill, time, and detail required to manifest the intricate structures found in objects we encounter regularly — such as those found in bird and wasp nests, beehives, spider webs, rock formations, anthills, feathers, and countless others. Samuelle’s work, especially the large scale installations, reference these forms – inspiring contemplation. These natural forms are often met with human-made, found objects. Her installations continue to grow and manifest in exhibitions internationally.

Samuelle Green

More info: Website, Instagram (h/t: Designboom).

Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 3
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 2
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 1
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 10
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 4
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 5
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 6
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 7
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 8
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 11
Manifestation Cave Installations Made Of Millions Of Hand Rolled Paper Cones By Samuelle Green 9
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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