Magic creatures with long limbs made out of oak tree roots by Tach Pollard

Oxford-based artist Tach Pollard carves oak tree roots into fascinating mystical creatures. European folklore myths and legends are among the most important artist’s sources of inspiration.

I predominantly carve oakroots which i like to collect from local woods. I love the sense of finding a new piece of wood and anticipating the potential of the form it holds inside. Carving is a way of honoring this tree especially the roots I carve. Often I can see its suggested form as I pull it from the ground. (…) Much of my work is inspired by the wood itself, the skeletal structure of Oakroot often whispers in shadows that dance and describe ancient faces. Hawthorn is very hard and tight grained allowing me to carve forms that are born from European Folklore myths and legends like the Norse Eddas, The Mabinogian and the Icelandic Sagas. This folklore is enfused into the earth where the trees have grown for millenia.

Tach Pollard

More info: EtsyFacebookInstagram (h/tColossal).

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Magic Creatures With Long Limbs Made Out Of Oak Tree Roots By Tach Pollard 12
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Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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