Lights, camera, action! Andrea David turned her travel and film obsession into a thriving business

The story of Andrea David is a fascinating example of how a passion can evolve into a thriving business. With a love for travel and cinema, David has spent the last 18 years visiting film locations around the world, capturing these sites and sharing them on her Instagram account “Filmtourismus“, which has attracted over 950,000 followers (2024). Her journey began long before film tourism became a trend, and she has since become Germany’s most successful film location blogger.

David’s work highlights the significant impact that film tourism can have on local economies, as seen in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik, which experienced a surge in visitors after being featured in the series “Game of Thrones.” Her dedication to creating a comprehensive database of film locations not only serves avid movie fans but also supports the tourism industry by showcasing the allure of these cinematic landscapes.

More info: Website, Instagram.

Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (1)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (2)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (3)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (4)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (5)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (6)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (7)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (8)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (9)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (10)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (11)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (12)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (13)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (14)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (15)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (16)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (17)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (18)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (19)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (20)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (21)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (22)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (23)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (24)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (25)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (26)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (27)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (28)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (29)
Lights, Camera, Action! Andrea David Turned Her Travel And Film Obsession Into A Thriving Business (30)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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