Life-like paper sculptures of animals and plants by Tina Kraus

Münster, Germany-based freelance illustrator and artist Tina Kraus minutely crafts insect paper sculptures made out of crepe paper. They draw attention to the level of realism applied.

I specialize in live-like and detailed paper sculptures of animals and plants made out of crepe paper, but also paper engineering for pop-ups and papertoys. The work with paper as a medium fascinates me because it is so versatile and easily obtainable. I constantly experiment with it and develop new ways to work with it.

Tina Kraus

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube.

Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 1
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 2
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 3
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 4
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 5
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 6
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 7
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 8
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 9
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 10
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 14
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 11
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 12
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 13
Life Like Paper Sculptures Of Animals And Plants By Tina Kraus 15
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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