Geometric sculptures made from old coins by Robert Wechsler

A selection of amazing geometric sculptures made from coins notched and joined together by American sculptor Robert Wechsler. They were commissioned by The New Yorker for the SPOTS series in the October 14th, 2013 money-themed issue.

Marked by an intervention in the familiar, my work is designed to bring both insight and levity to the public audience through the alteration of customary objects and spaces. With a mischievous bent I perturb the norm in order to demonstrate the malleability of the conventions that often define our everyday experience. (…) The trickster archetype, as described by Carl Jung, is the symbolic figure who reveals psychic truths through mischief. The trickster employs jokes and pranks, his armaments to puncture through hubris, in order to enlighten. Bringing meaning to the meaningless, he reveals the truth behind collective symbols while simultaneously demystifying collective conventions. Analogously, my work seeks to awaken undiscovered virtue in everyday objects and spaces by challenging commonplace associations through careful intervention.

Robert Wechsler

More info: Website, Instagram.

Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 1
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 1
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 2
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 3
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 4
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 5
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 6
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 7
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 8
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 9
Geometric Sculptures Made From Old Coins By Robert Wechsler 10
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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