Citizens Of The Jungle: a stunning allegorical portrait series by Ladislas Chachignot

Barcelona, Spain-based illustrator and digital painter Ladislas Chachignot create this exuberant allegorical illustration series, Citizens Of The Jungle, as a way to make us question and reflect on the complex relationship between humans and nature.

In this series of illustrated portraits “Citizens Of The Jungle”, the goal is to question about our place as humans in the world. We do concentrate more and more in the cities and progressively losing the connection between nature and or initial primitive “wildness” and “freedom” as we fall more and more on a “Digital and 24/7 connected” way of living. These portraits are meant to present how we tweak and modify our world and modifying ourselves at the same time. It also represent our inner struggle to free ourselves from this connected world that is taking more and more space in our everyday life. We live in a society where the information is bombarded in every minutes, adverts, social media, we could say that we’re all living in some kind of “Digital jungle”. The images are bold and saturated , they must appeal the eye and catch the viewer’s attention at all cost, almost like a “war of image” to win the favors of the consumer. Their goal is to impress us and create some “awe” moments of beauty and awesomeness but we tend to be.

Ladislas Chachignot

More info: Website, Behance, Dribbble, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 1
Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 2
Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 3
Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 4
Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 5
Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 6
Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 7
Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 8
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Citizens Of The Jungle A Stunning Allegorical Portrait Series By Ladislas Chachignot 10
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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