Castles of Ice: splendid sculpture and photography series by Frankie Carino

“Castles of Ice” is a magnificent and eye-catchy sculpture and photography series by Frankie Carino, an Arizona-born photographer and sculptor based in Los Angeles. In this series, he captures beautiful pictures of carved and naturally shaped ice sculptures, exploring the relationship between humans and geology.

I loved this idea of making massive ice sculptures just to melt away and rebuild the following year. (…) A collection of wonderful people work hard behind a hotel to create this uniquely human landscape. The construction requires a huge amount of water and human power, arguably an irresponsible amount, seeing the entire thing is gone by April. But the result is a beautiful display of humans’ deep fascination with minerals.

Frankie Carino

More info: Website, Instagram (h/t: Booooooom).

Castles Of Ice Splendid Photography Series By Frankie Carino 1
Castles Of Ice Splendid Photography Series By Frankie Carino 2
Castles Of Ice Splendid Photography Series By Frankie Carino 3
Castles Of Ice Splendid Photography Series By Frankie Carino 4
Castles Of Ice Splendid Photography Series By Frankie Carino 5
Castles Of Ice Splendid Photography Series By Frankie Carino 6
Castles Of Ice Splendid Photography Series By Frankie Carino 7
Castles Of Ice Splendid Photography Series By Frankie Carino 8
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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