Bernita Broderie, a French artist from Lyon, has captivated the art world with her stunning hair embroidery creations. Her unique artistry involves embroidering girls and women with hair that seems to grow right out of the fabric. Broderie’s passion for crafts that require time, patience, and meticulous effort is evident in her works, which are the result of countless hours of embroidery.
Her creations are not just visually striking; they are a celebration of the traditional craft of embroidery, infused with a modern and innovative twist. Broderie’s love for working with fabrics, needles, and threads is a testament to her dedication to creating something new every night, as she can’t sleep without bringing her ideas to life.
Since my childhood, I’ve loved doing things that need a lot of time, patience and hard work like a painting took months to be completed. I deeply enjoy working with fabrics, needle, and threads and I can’t sleep at nights without creating something new. My artworks are the output of hours of embroidery and patience.
Bernita Broderie
More info: Etsy, Facebook, Instagram.