A fusion of form and function: the marvel ceramics of Curt Hammerly

Curt Hammerly’s captivating ceramics transcend mere functionality. Each piece is a captivating fusion of geometric and organic patterns, meticulously crafted to embody both visual intrigue and everyday practicality. Hammerly’s artistic journey began after an unexpected accident, leading him to discover the therapeutic and expressive nature of working with clay.

Influenced by a minimalist aesthetic, Hammerly’s creations showcase clean lines and a focus on form. Yet, a closer look reveals an undercurrent of organic inspiration. Whether it’s the subtle curvature of a mug or the undulating texture of a vase, each piece whispers of natural forms, adding a touch of whimsy to the overall design. This interplay between the structured and the natural is what makes Hammerly’s work so captivating.

More info: Website, Instagram.

The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (1)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (2)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (13)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (3)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (4)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (5)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (15)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (12)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (6)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (7)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (16)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (8)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (14)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (9)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (11)
The Marvel Ceramics Of Curt Hammerly (10)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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