Andy, aka The Vegandy, is a talented artist based in Berlin and Brussels. He is passionate about photography and the vegan lifestyle and uses those two passions to create eye-catchy art pieces. Colorful dishes that become into lush photographs.
I’m Andy, the Vegandy! I make delicious, healthy, plantbased food and take beautiful pictures thereof! After being a vegetarian for almost 6 years, I turned vegan in 2016 and that was one of the best decisions of my life. Although I’m an ethical vegan to save the animals and the environment, the healthy side effects of a vegan lifestyle are extremely beneficial. Since I have a strong passion for cooking and photography, I started to document what I eat as vegan on a daily basis and post it on my Instagram account. I hope to inspire other people to choose a vegan/plantbased diet to live a healthy and balanced life.
Andy, The Vegandy