Surrealist pictures that fuse Renaissance styles and references with the contemporary culture by Marc Burckhardt

Marc Burckhardt is a German fine-art artist and illustrator naturalized as American. His work fuses historical genres of painting, such as Renaissance and Baroque, with symbolism and contemporary themes, combining oil and acrylic paint techniques.

I’m not sure [what about is my art.] I’m the best person to ask about that! My background is in art history as well as painting, and that lifelong fascination with the language of Western Art — and particularly Northern Renaissance and Dutch secular painting — has shaped the way I communicate. My work tends toward storytelling, and I try to use the symbolic imagery and genres found in European art to communicate my own experience, and to call in to question how we look at our shared visual ancestry. Almost every image in our culture has its symbolic roots deep in that soil, and yet most of us don’t know what the underlying meaning of those images are when we stroll through an art museum.

Marc Burckhardt

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (h/t: WOW x WOW, Ello).

Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 1
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 2
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 3
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 4
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 5
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 6
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 7
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 8
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 9
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 10
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 11
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 12
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 13
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 14
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 15
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 16
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 18
Surrealist Pictures That Fuse Renaissance Styles And References With The Contemporary Culture By Marc Burckhardt 17
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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