Striking cityscape rings in the shape of skylines of iconic cities by Ola Shekhtman

Ola Shekhtman’s cityscape rings are a unique blend of jewelry and art, capturing the essence of iconic cities in miniature wearable forms. These rings are crafted with precision and care, using advanced 3D printing technology to ensure high quality and detail. Each piece is a testament to Shekhtman’s skill as a goldsmith and her passion for urban landscapes.

Whether it’s the intricate canals of Amsterdam, the historic architecture of Edinburgh, or the modern skyline of New York City, each ring offers a way to keep your favorite city close at hand. They serve not only as a fashion statement but also as a personal memento of places that hold special meaning in one’s life.

More info: Website, Etsy, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.

Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 1
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 2
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 3
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 4
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 5
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 6
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 7
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 8
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 9
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 10
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 11
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 12
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 13
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 14
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 15
Striking Cityscape Rings In The Shape Of Skylines Of Iconic Cities By Ola Shekhtman 16
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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