The extraordinary potential of the ordinary: Monica Carvalho’s surreal photo manipulations

The world around us is full of everyday objects, each with its own unique form and function. But what if we looked a little closer? What if we could see the hidden potential within these ordinary things? This is the question that Swiss photographer Monica Carvalho explores in her captivating series of surreal photo manipulations.

Carvalho’s work is a testament to the power of imagination. By finding unexpected similarities between everyday objects, she creates dreamlike images that challenge our perception of the world. A simple fork might transform into a bird’s wing, while a collection of buttons becomes a blooming flower. Through her creative lens, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the familiar takes on a new and surprising beauty.

Carvalho’s art is not only visually stunning but also intellectually stimulating. It invites us to reconsider the way we see the world and to appreciate the beauty that lies hidden in plain sight. Her work is a reminder that even the most ordinary objects have the potential to spark our creativity and inspire us to see the world in new and unexpected ways.

I’m a Swiss photographer passionate about finding similarities in things. Since a young age, I’ve had a fascination for illusionism and magic tricks. I deeply admire the work of the Surrealists and the infinite possibilities that the medium of photography offers for playing around. The turning point in my career was when I discovered the photo-editing software Adobe Photoshop, which allowed me to merge my photos with my imagination. Since then, my motto has been to make “the ordinary extraordinary” – to elevate the meaning of everyday objects. A significant aspect of my work is that I only use photos taken by myself. This challenge makes my artistic adventures very exciting and personal, as I share an intimate connection with each element in my photomontages: I know the models, touched the objects, saw the buildings, stroked the animals, ate the foods, played the instruments…

Monica Carvalho

More info: Website, Instagram.

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Similar Things Combined Into Surreal Photo Manipulations By Monica Carvalho 21
Similar Things Combined Into Surreal Photo Manipulations By Monica Carvalho 22
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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