When countries become anime samurai: a Tokyo 2020 Olympics vision

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics may have been postponed, but that hasn’t stopped artists from reimagining the global event with a fantastical twist. Inspired by Japan’s rich history and culture, some artists from the project World Flags have created a stunning series of illustrations that transform various participating countries into anime samurai warriors. Each character is meticulously designed to embody the essence of its respective nation, incorporating distinct cultural elements and modern sports motifs. The results are visually captivating depictions that celebrate both the spirit of the Olympics and the art of anime.

These imaginative illustrations bring a fresh, creative perspective to the international competition. They seamlessly blend the traditional aesthetics of samurai attire with contemporary athletic symbolism, creating a unique fusion that honors the heritage of Japan while acknowledging the global unity fostered by the Olympics. The artistic endeavor not only highlights the diversity of the participating countries but also showcases the universal appeal of anime art. As the world eagerly anticipates the next Olympic Games, these samurai versions of athletes provide a delightful and engaging way to appreciate the intersection of culture, sport, and creativity.

More info: Website (h/t: Bored Panda).


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United Kingdom

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South Korea

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South Africa

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United States

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Leandro Lima
Leandro Limahttps://visualflood.com
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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