Iridescent glass sculptures with geometric and organic patterns by László Lukácsi

László Lukácsi is a skillful Hungarian sculptor specializing in glass design/sculptures. He graduated in 1985 from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest.

Lukácsi’s expressions drawn from nature and science, combined with humanity’s industrial and technical revolutions ingeniously transform his meticulous efforts into objects of beauty.

László Lukácsi via Avran

More info: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube (h/t: Avran).

Iridescent Glass Sculptures With Geometric And Organic Patterns By Laszlo Lukacsi 1
Iridescent Glass Sculptures With Geometric And Organic Patterns By Laszlo Lukacsi 2
Iridescent Glass Sculptures With Geometric And Organic Patterns By Laszlo Lukacsi 3
Iridescent Glass Sculptures With Geometric And Organic Patterns By Laszlo Lukacsi 4
Iridescent Glass Sculptures With Geometric And Organic Patterns By Laszlo Lukacsi 5
Iridescent Glass Sculptures With Geometric And Organic Patterns By Laszlo Lukacsi 6
Iridescent Glass Sculptures With Geometric And Organic Patterns By Laszlo Lukacsi 7
Iridescent Glass Sculptures With Geometric And Organic Patterns By Laszlo Lukacsi 8
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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